Decorative Concrete Styles in Toowoomba

Concrete is a practical construction material that can be used to create a wide variety of styles. It is durable and aesthetically pleasing, especially when stained or polished.

Quality time is a precious resource for families, and decorative concrete helps to make more of it available. It’s also easy to clean and safe.

Stencil Pattern Concrete

Stencil pattern concrete offers homeowners and business owners the look of brick, tile or stone without expensive installation costs. Unlike stamped or imprinted concrete, it can be applied to existing concrete surfaces such as patios, driveways and commercial floors.

Stenciling is a faster option than stamping because the concrete is not yet set, so work can begin before it dries. The trick is choosing a forgiving stencil design. If your stencil has super straight lines, the texture will look more plastic-like than natural. Texturing is done with a lightweight textured roller.

Aggregate Pebble Concrete

Aggregate pebble concrete is an attractive, affordable alternative to paving stones and pavers. It also has the added benefits of durability and low maintenance.

In this type of decorative concrete, small (less than 1″) decorative aggregates are hand seeded or broadcast on top of a roughly finished still wet concrete surface. The aggregate is brushed or lightly washed to expose the stone and retard the cement slurry that forms on the surface of the concrete.

This type of decorative paving is highly durable and provides excellent grip for vehicle tyres. It is available in a wide range of colours and stone types.

Exposed Aggregate Concrete

Exposed aggregate concrete is a popular decorative concreting finish that shows off the pebbles in your concrete. The aggregate can be natural or manufactured and comes in a wide variety of colours and styles. This style of decorative concreting is both beautiful and durable, which makes it ideal for use in driveways.

Contractors create a concrete slab using the standard construction methods before applying the exposed aggregate surface. They spray a surface retarder on the top layer of concrete before it hardens to keep the cement soft and prevent aggregates from becoming dislodged as it sets.

Concrete Driveways

Concrete is a durable material that provides a strong surface for a driveway. It can be poured in a variety of thicknesses to accommodate different types of vehicles and soil conditions. It can also be stamped or textured to create interesting patterns and designs.

The thickness of a concrete driveway depends on what it will be used for – cars and light trucks need a slab at least 4 inches thick, but RVs, dump trucks, and other heavy vehicles require a thicker slab. The addition of rebar improves the concrete’s tensile strength and can help prevent cracking.

Concrete Patios

Concrete patios offer great design flexibility and can be stamped, engraved or stenciled to resemble pricier pavers or natural stone. They are durable and add to the resale value of your home.

For small patios you can mix the concrete yourself using bags of ready-mixed concrete purchased from a home improvement center. Measure the square footage of your patio area to determine how many bags to purchase.

Shovel in crushed stone to make the excavation area more uniform and to create a space for water drainage. Use a bull float to smooth the surface of your concrete and fill low spots.

Concrete Pool Decks

Concrete is a durable, slip resistant surface that offers an attractive and affordable alternative to wood or premium stone decks. It’s also easier to clean than most other types of decking.

Decorative concrete can create the look of natural slate, flagstone or brick and is an ideal choice for pool decks. It can be enhanced with stains and dyes to match other design elements such as planters and pavers.

Isolation joints must be properly installed to isolate the movement of the concrete deck from the movement of the coping and bond beam. Without this isolation, water line tile may become sheared or cracked at the deck/pool interface.

Concrete Foundations

Using wooden wall forms that act like molds, poured concrete is shaped into foundation walls with rebar supports. Once the concrete is cured, the wall forms are removed. Poured concrete foundations are stronger and more durable than block foundations. They can also resist lateral pressure better and protect against water damage.

These concrete foundations are typically used for residential construction. They’re more common than block foundations, especially for modern houses. They’re a good choice for areas that are prone to freezing ground. They can prevent damage from frozen grounds by transferring the weight of the building into the soil below.

from Concrete Toowoomba Specialist


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